Simple article/comment MVC app demo

The goal: to create a simple database of articles and comments.

The article contains: title (varchar), text (text), date of publication (datetime), contributor name (varchar). The comment contains: contributor name (varchar),email (varchar), text (text), date of publication (datetime), id of the comment to which he/she is responding (int, optional). The task is to implement a simple service that will allow to display a list of articles, article details, add a new article, and similarly work with comments.

LAMP stack:: Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx 1.18, SQL DB - MariaDB 1.10.6, PHP, Yii2 MVC framework

Live demo

Amount of articles: 3

2023-09-15 14:20 by admin
new iPhone 15
Apple unveiled a new iPhone 15 Pro with a titanium case and faster chip
Comments: 3

2023-09-15 14:19 by admin
iPhone 12 news
Apple said it would issue a software update for iPhone 12 users in France
Comments: 1

2023-09-15 14:18 by admin
Greta is here
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was charged with disobeying a police order, less than two months after she was convicted and fined for the same offence.
Comments: 2

DB design:
