Live demo applications

  • Frontend / AWS: React, JavaScript, Axios, MobX state management, Material UI component library,
    prop-types runtime type checking; Nginx, Docker
  • Backend / AWS: Java 11, Spring Boot, Tomcat, PostgreSQL, Gradle, Docker
  • GitLab, AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, AWS Lambda, GCP OAuth, Terraform
BoatyBall reservation system

- MERN stack: NoSQL DB - MongoDB 6.0, Mongoose 7.0, Express.js 4.18.2, React.js 18.2, Node.js 19.6:
React SPA: High-Performance Wikipedia Search and Analysis Tool demo
React hooks utilized: useContext, useReducer, useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, useMemo
source code at GitHub

- Reactive component to handle simple application to some Czech university.
TypeScript, React v18.2.0, TanStack Query, Axios, React Hook Form, Floating UI, Material UI:
Combo demo, source code at GitHub

- LAMP stack: Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx 1.18, SQL DB - MariaDB 1.10.6, PHP, Yii2 MVC framework:
Yii2 MVC demo

- JDK 11 - OpenJDK, Apache NiFi 1.20.0, Jetty 9.4.50:
ETL / Apache Nifi demo

Sample project documentation

Gliffy project structure diagrams:
Portable uplink solution
Telegram aggregator

fabFORCE DBDesigner 4 visual database design:
DB design

Source code samples

Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL:

There is a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline in place to monitor this repository.
The actual copy of tested and zipped source files is always available at the following link:

Content of file:

  • wiki - complete ready to run source code of React SPA Wikipedia Search (server and client)
  • - IaC Terraform: AWS lambda (*.mjs) creation script
  • - IaC Terraform: Amazon Cognito User pool / OAuth 2.0 Google identity provider
  • BallDetails.js - React source code of the first screenshot of BoatyBall demo
  • converter-widget-app - React JSX provider for WordPress custom widget including component tests
  • jenkins-pipeline.txt - Jenkins CI/CD pipeline configuration script for ReactJs Converter application
  • class-wp-widget-converter.php - WordPress custom widget
  • - Python: Google Workspace API: command-line app working with Drive API
  • HookAction.php - PHP: Telegram Bot API implementation over webhooks
  • - Python: mp3 media files command line tagger
  • PushController.php - PHP: Yii2 framework controller component implementing OneSignal Server REST API
  • RfeTg.php - PHP: Yii2 framework model component

All the content above has been personally created by Eugenio Besson,
demonstrating his proficiency in the tech stack skills listed on his CV